QGIS 3.4 Quirks and Workarounds – Eclipse Geomatics LTD

QGIS 3.4 Quirks and Workarounds

We primarily work with QGIS software at Eclipse, which is a free and open source Geographic Information System. The QGIS community is doing great work to develop the software and provide training and guidance to users, but there are often a few quirks associated with any open source software. We thought to start recording some of the quirks we have run into with QGIS 3.4 and the solutions we have found in order to assist other QGIS users. If you have any bugs to report or would like to contribute to this blog, please feel free to contact us!

  1. Labels will not move with the Move Label and Diagram tool
  2. Changing the page size in the composer
  3. Raster processing tools not working/showing up on a Mac
1. Labels will not move with the Move Label and Diagram tool

Problem: Typically after we have been adjusting label locations using the Move Label and Diagram Tool, the labels may stop responding and remain immovable.

Solution: The first step is to check whether you have the correct layer selected in the Layers panel. If the correct layer is selected, open the Layer Styling panel and navigate to the placement tab. If the X and Y coordinate icons under Data defined are red, right click on each one and select “Store data in project”. The icons should turn yellow. Further information on this bug is available here.

2. Changing the page size in the Composer

Problem: The Page Setup option in the Layout tab does not open a window.

Solution: Right click anywhere on the canvas and select Page Properties. Options to change the page size will come up on Item Properties panel.

3. Raster processing tools not working/showing up on a Mac

This is a well-known bug on QGIS 3.4 – see the below link to add a path to the appropriate Python library:
